2601 Walnut Blvd. Brentwood, CA 94513

Gazania 'Daybreak Bright Yellow'

Call us at (925) 516-1052 to check availability

-For a drought-tolerant flowering ground cover, try planting one of the many cultivated varieties of gazania.

-It grows just 2 feet or less tall and flowers year-round.

-The flowers come in shades of red, orange and yellow with numerous variations and multi-colored flowers.

-Plant gazania in rock gardens and rock walls and around patios.

-This little flower can take the heat. As a ground cover, gazania works well anywhere it has good drainage and lots of sun.

  • Specifics
Plant Type: 
Ground Covers, Annuals
Flower Color: 
Bloom Time: 
Spring, Summer
2 feet or less
10 feet or less